1. Check site & keep reports
    1. Go to each page & note if there is anything noticable
    2. Keep full-page screenshot for each page
    3. Run the google audit for performance & SEO
    4. Keep a report about performance & SEO
      2.Log into staging site
      User: user
      Pass: password
  2. Update theme
    1. Goto themes -> themes
    2. Update theme
  3. Activate Child theme if not activated
    1. Goto Appearance -> Theme Editor
  4. Update WordPress
    1. Goto Dashboard -> Updates
    2. Update WordPress
    3. Update Database if necessary
  5. Update/Install/Activate theme required plugins
    1. Goto Appearance -> Install Plugins
    2. Install/Update and activate all plugins except Theme Dummy Content Importer (If there is any).
  6. Check Additional CSS
    1. Goto Appearance -> Customize
    2. Select ‘Additional css’ from the sidebar
    3. If not available add those from our stored additional CSS file that we kept for this website
    4. Publish CSS changes
  7. Check menu & update if necessary
    1. Goto Appearance -> Menus
    2. select the menu named main menu
    3. scroll to the bottom of the menu editor to settings and check main menu as the display.
    4. Save
  8. Check Additional Plugins
    1. Goto plugins
    2. Delete plugins if there is any that is not required
    3. update all plugins
  9. Delete unnecessary plugins
    1. Goto Appearance -> Themes
    2. Delete all themes Except the one you need & its child theme
    3. Click on the intended deletion to view details, delete button is in bottom right corner.
  10. Clear cache memory so that updated changes reflects
    1. Click Purge SG Cache on the top admin menu
    2. Hover over Autoptimize
    3. click delete cache when it appears
  11. Goto frontend and view each page in the main menu
  12. Do a visual comparison of each page of the live site to the staging site (Compare with the taken screenshots that we taken previously). Fix or make note of any discrepancies & let team know about the issue.
  13. Check the SEO & Performance report.